Sunday, August 19, 2012

No Shirts Cause It's HOT!

Hey yo! Not to be confused with yayo! What's up ya'll? We just played at the Schroeder Dance Hall last night. Load in was epically hot! Luckyily they have some a/c in that place when it was show time! I dont know if they would have enjoyed seeing us play a show with our shirts off!

Check out this place! It's a good time! YEE HAW!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Is it Saturday Night Yet?

What's up everybody! Its St. Patty here. It's been a few weeks since I've posted a blog and I know that everyone is awaiting this so here goes nothing!

We have had a lot on our plates the last few weeks and I was able to gather some footage of it. We had one heck of a run this past weekend going from Abilene to San Angelo to Lubbock. We managed to have the most van break downs since I've been in the band! Luckily I had the handy video recorder by to capture this lovely bit of scenery!

I did it up big and made a music video of Jon Wolfe's "That's Why God Made Saturday Night" Rockin tune! Check it out! And stay tuned for more blogs! Things are about to get crazy!!!